
Please refer to your local statutes for the most up-to-date requirements.

Articles of incorporation

Business entity search
Link: https://www.wdfi.org/apps/gofr/Form/Index/5
Additional info
Fee: $35
Processing: 1-2 business days (estimate)
Signatures: No special requirements at this time

Corporate annual report

Nonprofit corporations are required to file an annual report. Failure to file an annual report will result in being dissolved by the state.
Business entity search
Form (e-file)
Link: https://www.wdfi.org/apps/corpar/
Due: Annually, by the last day of the quarter in which the organization was originally incorporated, beginning the year following incorporation.
Fee: $25.00

Charity registration

In addition to the charitable organization registration, all registered charitable organizations are required to submit either an annual report or an affidavit in lieu of annual report to the division within 9 months after their fiscal year-end.
Filing exemption available!
Rule: Gross receipts of less than $25,000.00
Not eligible if using a professional fundraiser.
Due: n/a
Fee: None, to the best of our knowledge
Initial form
Link: Form 296
Due: Prior to soliciting funds (unless exempt from filing)
Fee: $15.00
Required attachments:

  • Proof of 501(c)(3) status
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Bylaws
  • Mail the completed form to:
    PO Box 8935
    Madison, WI 53708
    Phone: (608) 266-2112
    Fax: (608) 267-3816
  • Thoroughly check form instructions for any additional required documents
Renewal form
Link: Form 296

*Charitable Organization Annual Report
What form should I file my charitable organization annual report on?
Due: Form 296 due annually, on or before August 1.
*Charitable Organization Annual Report due within 9 months following fiscal year end.
Fee: $54.00
*No fee for charitable annual report
Required attachments:

  • Special renewal requirements are listed on the back of the renewal form.
  • Thoroughly check form instructions for any additional required documents

Income/franchise tax exemption


Sales tax exemption

In order to become exempt from Wisconsin sales tax, you must complete the sales tax exemption application below.
Initial form (e-file)
Link: Form S-211E
Due: n/a
Fee: None, to the best of our knowledge
Required attachments:

  • Proof of 501(c)(3) status
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Bylaws
  • A statement of income and expenses for the organization's most recent accounting period
  • Mail the form and attachments to:
    Wisconsin Department of Revenue
    PO Box 8902
    Madison, WI 53708-8902
  • Thoroughly check form instructions for any additional required documents

Tax department

Raffle (games of chance)

Filing information
Link: https://doa.wi.gov/Pages/LicensesHearings/Apply-for-a-new-raffle-license.aspx
Due: Before event
Fee: $25.00