
Please refer to your local statutes for the most up-to-date requirements.

Articles of incorporation

Business entity search
Link: https://soswy.state.wy.us/Forms/Business/NP/NP-ArticlesIncorporation.pdf
Additional info
Fee: $25
Processing: 20 business days (estimate)
Signatures: Original signature required

Corporate annual report

Nonprofit corporations are required to file an annual report. Failure to file an annual report will result in being dissolved by the state.
Business entity search
Form (e-file)
Link: https://wyobiz.wy.gov/Business/AnnualReport.aspx
Due: Annually, by the first day of your incorporation anniversary month
Fee: $27.00

Charity registration


Income/franchise tax exemption


Sales tax exemption

Nonprofit organizations may apply for exemption from paying sales tax on purchases of tangible personal property as well as exempt from collecting sales tax on items sold during single events (e.g. a bake sale) happening no more than 4 times a year.

To obtain this exemption you must first contact the Department of Revenue (307)-777-5200 and request an authorization letter. Once you obtain the authorization letter file the Certificate of Exemption, below.
Initial form
Link: https://sites.google.com/a/wyo.gov/wy-dor/SSTPCertificateofExemptionwithMatrix.pdf?attredirects=1
Due: n/a
Fee: None, to the best of our knowledge

Tax department

Raffle (games of chance)